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Long dirndls are no longer the boring and dusty counterpart to the dirndl in midi length. The young audience in particular knows how to appreciate the long which skillfully embodies tradition in modern times.

Traditional both the lederhosen and the long dirndl, which today is rarely floor-length but rather ankle-length. floor-length but rather ankle-length, were mainly worn at official events such as christenings or weddings. events such as christenings or weddings, but today it is also worn at the Munich a stylish choice at the Munich Oktoberfest or other folk festivals. This is precisely why the classic model is still popular today, as, unlike the shorter unlike the shorter dirndls, it exudes a special elegance. This is reflected in the variety of fabrics, which range from classic cotton or linen bodices to linen bodices to elegantly patterned and flowing silk models, and the large selection of motifs and colors. After all, even a long dirndl not only thanks to a perfect apron and dirndl blouse by the right accessories, beautiful traditional costume jewelry, cardigans or Trachten shoes to create the perfect outfit.

Above all What is particularly impressive about a long model is the cut. The wide The wide swinging and pleated skirt gives both short and tall ladies an elegant and tall ladies an elegant, feminine and elongated silhouette. Together with a narrow bodice made of harmonious fabric and motif or deliberate contrasts, a special traditional costume look is created that emphasizes both a slim figure figure and feminine curves perfectly. This is particularly evident in the LODENFREY Wiesndirndl.