Chanel 19 Large flap bag vintage handbag for women from who is louis in
pink. The model impresses with its casual
design in a classic color/material combination with the label's typical logo
Who is Louis offers high-quality second-hand bags, which are rigorously checked for originality
checked for originality and, if necessary, carefully cleaned, refurbished or repaired.
or repaired if necessary. Please note that a return of the
Vintage-bags can only be returned if all labels are still attached to the bag
labels are still attached to the bag, the bag is in its original condition and the
certificate of authenticity and the box are returned undamaged together with the bag.
are returned together with the bag.
- Handle: approx. 10 cm (height) and approx. 28 cm (length)
- Long shoulder chain: approx. 45 cm (height) or approx. 100 cm (length)
- 1 Large main compartment
- 1 Flat secondary compartment
- 1 flat outer compartment
- Logo fastener
- Quilted pattern
- Condition: very good (outer material: supple, slight signs of wear. Interior: well cared for, low odor)
- Shown is the item explicitly for sale, use the ZOOM function for a detailed view.
- Please note: All Who is Louis items can only be shipped within Germany.
- All Who is Louis items are shipped with a certificate of authenticity.